IngressFS Event Registration

Ingress First Saturday is a cross-faction event organised and run by agents, for agents all across the world on the First Saturday of each month.

A list of all registered IngressFS events can now be found at

Here’s some pro-tips for running an #IngressFS event:

  1. Post in your local COMM about the event for any Agents that may be interested in coming.
  2. Read through the Organiser’s Guide
  3. Get a copy and setup the Auto Score Sheet (instructions included within)
  4. Remind your attendees the requirements they need to follow
  5. During your event, take a group photo that follows these guidelines.
  6. After your event, submit the results and group photo for verification
  7. Have fun!

Instructions and Requirements

All the event instructions and requirements details have moved to the Organiser’s Guide page.

When you first submit your event, you’ll get an email with a link to edit the details and a link to your Fev Games Event Page.