2023 Media Artwork Competition Open Again for Submissions

Welcome to part 2 of 2023 everyone! We are opening up submissions again for the IFS Media Artwork Competition for the next part of this year.

2023 Media Artwork Competition Update

Bring your creativity to life! The Ingress IFS Art/Media competition showcases creative work made by Agents around the world. These pieces will be feature in both the scanner and on Fevgames website. Please share your view of the world through Ingress! This competition is designed to feature your great creations as an Agent. Submissions will remain open until December 1st, 2023.

The theme of the 2023 contest is your favorite portal. Create your artwork with the theme “portal” in a free way of expression, including videos related to the portal, impressions and associations from the name of the portal itself, the scenery around you, or how agents gather around the portal.
You can do this with Illustrations, music, images, three dimensional shaping and handcrafting (please include in photos or videos), etc.
With this round, if you meet the requirements, you will be able to enter works that have elements created by others using fonts, materials, and AI.

Submission requirements

  • Artwork/media must be created by submitter
  • The use of fonts, stock images, and AI that clear the condition of use are acceptable, but must be declared without omission.
  • Artwork/media must be themed Ingress. For 2023, please submit entries focusing on “portal”
  • Artwork/media may not contain material or images other than those for which the usage rights have been cleared
  • All artwork/media must comply with Niantic Player guidelines
  • Artwork/media should be cross-factional and friendly. No ridicule or scorn
  • Agents must provide valid contact information
  • Acceptable submissions can range from hand-drawn artwork, digital artwork, music, video, photography, crafts, AI artwork, and more.
  • Submitted files need to be less than 100mb.

Submitting Work that includes others material

If you choose to submit your work using materials created by others, you must submit the list below for all materials.

  • Distribution site URL
  • License description URL
  • Copy and paste a rights statement

Submitting AI Artwork

If you choose to submit AI artwork, there are additional requirements for submission.

  • Distribution site URL
  • License description URL
  • Copy and paste a rights statement

Accepted artwork/media

Approved artwork / media will be selected together by a team of IFS-UN and Niantic members. Once the artwork / media is accepted, the submitter will be informed of which month it was selected. It is important to note that even if the artwork / media is approved, it may be removed from distribution at any time.

To submit your artwork, please use this form

Why was my artwork/media not approved?

There are several reasons why artwork / media was not selected or accepted for competition. There are several points to consider.

  1. Was your artwork/media player friendly?
  2. Are you following the Niantic player guidelines?
  3. Does your artwork/media contain copyrighted material? This is especially true for AI artwork.

Your artwork may not have been selected for this round because it is selected by the team, not the individual. You can resubmit to the next round at any time. In fact, previous submitters are encouraged to resubmit!


Thank you for celebrating Ingress First Saturday with us and we look forward to your submission.