On the 24th, Niantic teased us about the coming Halloween Event!
The event is now LIVE, so lets go over the details!
Earn Candy from Buddy Pokémon four times as fast
During the event, Buddy Distance required to earn Candy from a Pokémon has been divided by 4.
Example: It usually takes 3km to earn a candy from Ivysaur. When we divide 3km by 4, the new distance required to earn a candy is 0.75km.
Every time you hatch an egg, DOUBLE CANDY! Catch a Pokémon? DOUBLE CANDY! You’ll even get DOUBLE CANDY every time you transfer a Pokémon!
Increased Spawns for Spooky Pokémon
Spawn rates for “Spooky” Pokémon have been significantly increased. Originally Niantic teased the following Pokémon for increased spawn rates:
However, after the event went live, it was discovered that the following Pokémon have also had their spawn rate increased for the event:
City and Rural areas alike are noticing massive amounts of these “Spooky” Pokémon spawning everywhere.
Event Load Screen
The Gyarados load screen that we’ve come to know and love has been temporarily replaced by this EPIC load screen! Gengar is my #1 favorite Pokémon and seeing this load screen the first time was a real treat.
Event Duration
The event started 10/26 and lasts until 11/1! This well timed event has resurged interest into Pokémon GO and is only a glimpse of the fun events Niantic has in store for us trainers in the future. Load up on those incubators, grab a buddy (Pokémon and friend), and go catch those “spooky” Pokémon!
It appears the event has now ended at around 1PM PST (8PM UTC), 11/2.