The Gray Ingress Jedi By: DannoReg XF-CC
Author: Guest Writer
The New Age Resistance
a·dapt /əˈdapt/ – make (something) suitable for a new use or purpose; modify. The New Age Resistance Adaptations Super powers,
Ingress Store: what could be next and why?
Possible store strategies, why release what? Niantic Labs has just recently announced their in-game store in Ingress. The items they’re selling
The Ingress Jedi
How to be untouchable By DannoReg ___ INTRODUCTION What if I told you that you already have the tools required
Portal Submission Stats Part 1
Welcome to a status update about what’s happening at portal reviewing HQ… Or at least what the stats tells us
Ingress Safely
You may or may not have seen the stories on G+, a player acting crazy or even physically assaulting another
So You Think You Can BAF
BAF – Big “Augmented” Field… Right Suzi? So you see that Illuminator badge day in and day out and
How to tell if you are dating your scanner
Some people play Ingress… a lot. So much so that it’s like having a significant other. With the advent of