Breaking News – Simple/Complex Glyphs are Live again!

A couple weeks ago we noticed that the Glyphs SIMPLE & COMPLEX were allowed during the Glyph Control Center. As of now, we have noticed they are back and this time with functionality!

Simple Glyph - Slows Glyphs Down Complex Glyph - Speeds Glyphs Up

It seems the hint provided in the store JSON was correct.


SIMPLE slows the glyphs down so you can see them easier and longer.

On the opposite end, drawing COMPLEX makes the glyphs FLY by extremely fast visually. Additionally, after the glyph preview ends you usually get the “Get Ready/Set/Go” prompt, with COMPLEX just “Get Ready” is shown for a fraction of a second. We don’t think this affects the gear output, but we are currently investigating!

For a novice glyph-er like myself, the glyphs are only visible for such a short amount of time I can’t even begin to redraw them.

We now have 4 Glyph options.


They cannot be used together, so you can only choose one at a time.

It appears you can stack glyphs (Thanks to Sonechxeon for letting us know), but only the most recent one per family will work. What this means is you can do MORE & COMPLEX, or LESS & COMPLEX. Doing MORE & COMPLEX & LESS will result in COMPLEX & LESS as the most recent one will be taken. This opens up quite the possibility of options.

  • COMPLEX & MORE – Fast glyphs with a key.
  • COMPLEX & LESS – Fast glyphs with no key
  • SIMPLE & MORE – Slow glyphs with a key
  • SIMPLE & LESS – Slow glyphs with no key

Let us know your results using these two new glyph options! Make sure to restart your scanner (application) if you don’t see these new glyphs accepted yet.