18 cities done and only one remains. The Enlightened are in the lead with series points, 17 to 7 leaving the Resistance with

18 cities done and only one remains. The Enlightened are in the lead with series points, 17 to 7 leaving the Resistance with
Welcome to our live coverage of the Aegis Nova anomaly series. We’ll be bringing you the scores as soon as
Agents around the world are preparing for the first day of the Aegis Nova anomaly series which begins this weekend.
The Obsidian anomaly series was the first one to have a GORUCK event at every single anomaly site. There was
49,366 points, 2,268 Portals, 791 links, 308 shards, 238 fields, 13 cities, 2 days – The Obsidian anomaly series goes
2,286 Agents from 70 cities in 25 countries earned 240 million AP, gained 295 levels, and walked 7,404 km during
Hello everyone and thank you for joining us as we report on the Obsidian Anomaly live! We’ll be tracking the
949 Agents from 44 cities in 18 countries earned 90 million AP, gained 125 levels and walked 2,689 km during
24,688 Agents from 353 cities in 57 countries earned 2.9 billion AP, gained 4,729 levels and walked 58,404 km during
In 2015, we saw 153,492 points earned, 18,658 portals captured, 5,616 links create, 1,898 fields established and 177 shards scored over 63 cities during the