Agents we need your help! Dark Xm is seeping into the portal network and is predicted to effect the portal decay rate. To combat this we need to work together to make sure to claim as many portals as possible and throw links everywhere! This new event will take place between 10 am PDT April 25th and 10 am PDT April 30th.
The Global Challenge
The first measurement for this part of the event will happen on our start time of 10am PDT April 25th. After that moment we have to capture at least 400,000 portals that were previously unclaimed to try and stop the event. These portals do not need to stay alive or claimed until April 30th and graphs will be released daily to show how close we are to our goal. We know you can do this agents! Remember that the goal isn,t to kill portals but to make sure there are no neutral portals around you! Accomplishing this task will help fend off the Dark XM and unlock the medal.
Links, Links, and More Links
How do you get a tiered medal? By throwing more links! During this event the cumulative length of the links you throw will be added up to determine your medals tier.
- 5km for Bronze
- 50km for Silver
- 250km for Gold
These goals can be accomplished by one or many links. As Andrew stated “Creating one 250km link is as good as ten 25km links”, so any link can count for your accumulative score. There should be a metric to track your accumulative that will appear at the start of the event in both Prime and Redacted, but it may be delayed during the event so it is suggest to restart your scanner when you want to see how far you have to go.
We know you can fend off this Dark XM agents! If we dont the dark xm will seep into the universe more permanently and we do not want that! If we succeed, not only will the portal decay become normalized again but we will also see an increase in Junes IFS AP from x2 AP to x3 AP!!! So get ready agents! We don’t have long but i know we will succeed. Remember the event starts Today at 10am PDT and we have until April 30th at 10am PDT to accomplish our goals!
Thank you Andrew Krug for the clarifications, details, and images for this event! We really appreciate the effort you put into making sure this event was understood.