We’re already in the first week of the six week long #FateOfThe13 Shard Event! The final fates of the original 13 Magnus researchers hang in the balance.
We plan to do weekly updates covering the event, and we can use your help! See our previous post on details of the event.
Calling All Shard Reporters!
Want to know what’s going on, or want to share your stories? We’ve started a Telegram chat to discuss and report on shards. Head on over there to stay up to date! Keep in mind that this is a cross faction chat, so please treat everyone with respect. |
[Join the Telegram Chat] |
Share your SITREP!
[Share your SITREP] |
The best part about the shard game is hearing the stories of the agents involved. If you have an epic story about your shard experience, we’d love to share it in our weekly update! Submit your story using the following link. Pictures and video are encouraged! |