FS Featured Artist- November 2019

xXx5ync is from Espoo, Finland and is our third featured and winning artist for the IFS Competition. Their artwork is being featured for Novembers IFS and will appear in scanners around the world today, so we asked them a few questions to give you a chance to get to know this artist!


Agent Name





11 (Recursed)


How long have you been playing?

About one and a half year.


What inspired you to submit your piece to the contest?

My artwork was originally meant to be a mission banner of 108 pieces which it is currently located in Helsinki. I created the artwork with a 3D CAD modeling software and rendered it. It took about 3 hours in total and I submitted it through a link I found from our local FS group.


Is there anything about your artwork you want people to know?

In the Resistance part of the artwork you may find hints of the Osiris glyph.


Is there a website where people can see your artwork or other artwork you like to show?

There is a link to the mission banner. They are also a musician and have a soundcloud!


Are there any details you would like to share about your craft?

I’ve always preferred drawing with a pen but in this case i went digital.


Do you plan to make swag of your image?

It could make a great banner type of a flag that you could put hanging on a wall.


Agents it seems like xXx5ync is a person of many talents! Thank you for sharing all these wonderful details xXx5ync and for submitting your artwork to our IFS Art Competition. Agents also a friendly reminder that the IFS Artwork competition for the next three months is up and open for submissions! 


Please be mindful not to use this artwork(s) used in this post without permission. Thank you and we hope you participate in future IFS art competitions!