FS Featured Artist- October 2019

Rikka6 is from Hokkaido, Japan and is our second featured and winning artist for the IFS Competition. Their artwork is being featured for Octobers IFS and will appear in scanners around the world today, so we asked them a few questions to give you a chance to get to know this artist!

Agent Name 







How long have you been playing?

about 5 years (from Helios Anomaly)
約5年 (iPhoneなのでHeliosから)


What inspired you to submit your piece to the contest?

I have produced original goods and artworks for the promotion and support of several FSs. I was very glad to know the Artwork Competition this time because it looks to fit my fan-creation activities very much.

In this competition, the submission should be the work for September-November, so I have chosen October from the candidates of the submission theme. It is the representative month of autumn and there are some fun events. Halloween is the best of them. Its origin is a traditional Irish event, now it is enjoyed all over the world, including Japan. It’s not the first Saturday but the 5th Thursday… 🙂

Ingress portals are like gateways connecting our world with different dimensions. Thus I wondered it’s funny that ghosts and monsters emerge from activated portals and they secretly mix with the group of disguised agents in a crowded Halloween festival.





Is there anything about your artwork you want people to know?

Actually, the place depicted in the work is a real one, a town square in Otaru, Hokkaido, Japan. And this October, FS will be held in Otaru! This coincidence is not planned before the competition. But it seems fantastic that my work and the real are truly connected. I am very happy that many agents will enjoy FS in Otaru. Of course, I created this illustration with the wish that many people around the world enjoy FS exchanges, not just for Otaru. I hope that many agents can spend FS and Halloween with smiles in your city.




Is there a website where people can see your artwork or other artwork you like to show?

Up until now, I shared my works together on Google+ …I have just started to share it on Instagram at this opportunity.

We sometimes announce activities and new works on Twitter.




Are there any details you would like to share about your craft?

I like walking around the city. Ingress brings us to the places we don’t know and makes to meet unknown people and new experiences. I fell in love for the first time and began drawing lots of fan art based on the new places and people you met through Ingress. All my artworks about Ingress would tell the attraction of agents with XM and the world they live and act.

I had many opportunities to draw anomalies, MDs, FS announcements, and thanks to agents for participating. I know there are some agents who saw my illustrations attend events in real life, bring back and share memories, tell their stories at the next event.
The honors of this award is a kind of them that my artwork can be seen by agents around the world.

My artworks are mostly lined by pencil on the paper and colored by Photoshop. (The submission artwork was all drawn by Photoshop from beginning to end).

Searching the Internet, Google Maps and Google Earth are always great helps for exploring references about the city to draw when it is difficult to visit. I think they are evolutionary tools because we can see the place as we are there.



Google MapsやGoogle Earthに助けられています。その場に行ったかのような視点で街を見られるので画期的なツールだなと思います。


Do you plan to make swag of your image?

I made a card of this artwork. It was distributed at the FS in October, and more, we will present it to the agent we meet at Umbra Taoyuan Anomaly. See you in Taoyuan City!
Also, my friends have prepared a series of missions with this illustration as a medal. Enjoy!

近日では、Umbra Taoyuanのアノマリーにてお会いしたエージェントさんにお渡しします。ぜひ桃園市でお会いしましょう!


Agents, not only can you get cards of Rikkas wonderful artwork but there will be missions where you can get more of this amazing artwork on your scanner! Thank you for sharing all these wonderful details Rikka and for submitting your artwork to our IFS Art Competition.


Please be mindful not to use this artwork(s) used in this post without permission. Thank you and we hope you participate in future IFS art competitions!