Happy Ingress-iversary!

BREAKING NEWS – Ingress’ fourth anniversary specials have begun, with Double AP heading up the pack!

Also in store is a new medal (Luminary), based on reaching certain levels by the end of the month!

We will update the post with images and more details about the hack rates once available, but preliminary investigation hints that it’s about a 50% bonus.

H Richard Loeb broke the news, and linked to a YouTube announcement:

Happy Birthday Ingress. To commemorate our four year anniversary, everyone that reaches Level 3 by 11:59pm Pacific Time (PST) on Wednesday, November 30th, 2016 will earn a special Luminary Medal. The Luminary Medal will be awarded based on the following tiers:

Bronze Medal: Level 3 – Level 8
Silver Medal: Level 9 – Level 12
Gold Medal: Level 13 & 14
Platinum Medal: Level 15
Onyx Medal: Level 16

Additionally, for the next two weeks, each Portal action will generate double Action Points (AP). For example, capture a Portal to earn 1,000 AP or establish a Field to earn 2,500 AP. Hack output of the Portal Network has also been boosted.

During these four years we’ve seen so many incredible moments – Anomalies, field art, epic operations, Ingress weddings and much more. If you have a favorite situation report from your experience over the last 4 years, we’d like to hear it. Share your SITREPs with the #IngressYear4 hashtag.