6,221 Agents from 275 cities earned 951 million AP, gained 514 levels and walked 19,060 km during March 2020 First Saturday events around the world.
Clicking through on any of the images below will take you to the interactive IngressFS Score Leaderboard and show the full list of all cities and their stats.
Only cities with valid data that is submitted by each event’s organizers are included in the analysis so the data here won’t match exactly to Niantic’s results.
The top city this month was Oslo, Norway with 17 levels gained.
The most AP Earned was in Móstoles, Spain with over 35 million AP Earned.
The biggest event was in Berlin, Germany with 97 attendees.
The most efficient city was Sobradinho, Brazil where the 12 agents earned an average of 705,110 AP each.
The furthest total distance walked was Genk, Belgium with a total of 487 km.