1,101 Agents from 48 cities in 18 countries earned 136 million AP, gained 111 levels and walked 1,540 km during May’s First Saturday events around the world.
This month, the Enlightened had the most AP earned (+2.2m), most AP per agent (+15.9k), most KM walked (+126) and most KM per agent (+0.36). The Resistance had the most agents (+53) and most levels gained (+19).
The top city this month was Zhengzhou, China with 23 levels gained. Amiens, France had the most AP earned, over 12 million.
Zhengzhou also had the biggest event this month where 93 agents attended. The highest AP per agent was scored in Barcelona, Spain where the 38 agents there earned an average of 232k AP each.
There were wide spread reports from around the world that the Trekker stat wasn’t updating accurately at a large amount of FS events so the below results are lower than usual.
Agents in Zhengzhou also walked the furthest combined distance of 335 km while agents in Hanmer Springs, New Zealand also walked the furthest average distance of almost 6 km each.
June IngressFS registrations are now open, register your city here: fevgames.net/ifs-reg