778 Agents from 38 cities in 22 countries earned 109 million AP, gained 91 levels and walked 2,434 km during August’s First Saturday events around the world.
The Enlightened won all the categories this month, with the most agents (+16), most levels gained (+13), most AP earned (+6.9m), most AP per agent (+12.0k), most KM walked (+54) and the most KM per agent (+0.01).
The event in Klaipėda, Lithuania this month has the top score in almost every single category. In second place was Cardif, UK for 9 levels gained and Arlon, Belgium with 6.7 million AP earned.
Klaipėda’s 55 agents and 431k AP per agent topped the chart while Sydney’s 15 agents earned an average of 250k AP each.
And Finally, Oslo, Norway, had the highest average distance walked of 5.72 km and Hamilton, New Zealand had the second highest total distance walked of 198 km.
September IngressFS events can be found here: fevgames.net/ifs-reg