IngressFS September events saw 3,538 agents in 91 cities earn 401 million AP, gain 687 levels and walk 10,310 km. We also managed to pass the 2 billion AP mark for all FS events so far this year.
The city of Yamanashi, Japan saw the highest level gains this month recording 27 for the Enlightened and 22 for the Resistance for a total of 49.
The biggest FS event this month was in Taipei, Taiwan with an amazing 51.9 million AP earned, almost 4.5 times the 2nd best city.
The city with the highest AP per Agent is Enschede, Netherlands with a score of 284,608.
Taipei also had the highest attendance of 310 agents and managed to achieve a 12th place rank in AP per agent of 167,496.
It’s no surprise that Taipei also has the greatest distance walked this month clocking up an incredible 1,099 km, double that of Kurashiki, Japan in 2nd place. However, the greatest average distance per agent goes to Dresden, Germany with 6.82 km.
September saw a lot more agents participating compared to August with an average of 30 agents per city participating in August and 39 for September. The Level Gain graph below shows that a lot more of the experienced players that took a break in August and came back this month.
Unfortunately, Agent Verification was broken on the day which resulted in 34 agents being stuck at 19,999 AP. None-the-less, 458 agents earned 1 level, 64 agents earned 2 levels, 19 agents earned 3 levels, 3 agents earned 4 levels and one each for 5 and 6 levels earned.
Congratulations to Enl Agent ostobeppo from Los Angeles, USA for walking the furthest distance of 14km, to Res agent Jhayne from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic for earning 6 levels and the most AP of 976,436.
Well done to all the agents around the world for coming together to participate in the IngressFS events.
We’ve compiled scorecards for each city’s results so you can share your hard work with your community.
Registrations are now open for IngressFS October Events. Get your city registered by September 27th to be included on the event map and on
If you have any feedback or suggestions on the scoring, feel free to leave it below in the comments.