IngressFS – September 2016 Results

1,240 Agents from 48 cities in 24 countries earned 144 million AP, gained 176 levels and walked 3,842 km during September’s First Saturday events around the world.

This month there were 78 new agents (starting at or below level 4) attending FS events with Ooma, Japan attracting the most tadpoles and smurflings.


The top agent this month was WhiteMoonMirror from Yangon, Myanmar gaining 3 levels and 241,663 AP. The most AP earned was by oroshimau from Ghent, Belgium who earned 723,654 AP

The Resistance won in almost all categories this month with 100 more agents, 32 more levels gained, 4 million more AP earned and walking 536 km further. The Enlightened fought a little harder earning 12 thousand more AP per agent.


The most levels gained overall was in Ooma, Japan with 18. Siena, Italy earned the most AP with over 28 million AP earned.


Siena, Italy had the biggest event with 100 agents attending and also the highest AP per agent at 284k


Agents in Siena also walked the furthest combined distance of 313 km however agents in Stavanger, Norway measured the furthest average per agent of 5.45 km followed by Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany coming a very close second with 5.44 km per agent.


The scorecards for each of the participating cities can be found below to be shared with your community

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Registrations are now open for IngressFS and Pokémon Go – TS events, sign up your city and enjoy a day out and about with friends!