IngressFS – November 2017 Results

This month, the Enlightened had the most AP earned (+0.3m), most AP per agent (+23.2k) and most KM per agent (+0.15). The Resistance had the most agents (+49), most levels gained (+3) and most KM walked (+61).

595 Agents from 31 cities in 11 countries earned 80 million AP, gained 109 levels and walked 1,285 km during November’s First Saturday events around the world.

The top city this month was Sao Paulo, Brazil with 20 levels gained and over 14 million AP Earned.

The highest average AP per agent earned was in Ilhéus, Brazil where the 4 agents there earned an average of 211, 142 AP each.

The 102 agents in Sao Paulo Walked the furthest total distance of 394 km however the agents in Rochester, NY, USA walked the furthest average distance of 6.25 km.

December IngressFS events can be found at