IngressFS – December 2016 Results

1,321 Agents from 56 cities in 23 countries earned 145 million AP, gained 71 levels and walked 3,770 km during December’s First Saturday events around the world.

This month, Resistance had 31 more agents and walked 102 km further than Enlightened while the Enlightened earned 1 more level, 9 million more AP, and almost 19,000 AP per agent than the Resistance.


The number one city this month was Asuncion, Paraguay with 7 levels gained! The most AP award goes to Malang, Indonesia, with 7.9 million AP earned.


The most efficient city was Edmonton, Canada where the 5 agents there earned an average of 219,396 AP each. The biggest event was in Jakarta, Indonesia where 66 agents attended. Noticeably missing this month is Japan where there were no FS events this month.


Jakarta, Indonesia also won the furthest distance walked this month measuring 225 km while the agents in Hamburg, Germany walked the furthest average distance of 6.17 km per agent closely followed by the agents in Cardiff, UK who walked 6 km each.


The scorecards for each of the participating cities can be found below to be shared with your community.

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January IFS registrations are now open, register your city here:

Stay tuned to Fev Games this month for our 2016 IngressFS wrap up!