Happy April Agents! I hope everyone is ready for this months IFS events and enjoying their either in-person or online events! This month’s artist is Qu4rd from Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia.
How long have you been playing Ingress?
Since 2016
What inspired you to submit your artwork to the contest?
I was just opening telegram one night and saw the event. I thought, I have contributed more for less before, now it’s time to do something about it.
Is there anything special about your artwork that you’d like to share?
I love the harmony of things, and have included that glyph as part of my profile for quite sometime. Since the end of 2019. So, harmony during IFS is what I was thinking when generating the art.
Is there a website people can visit to see your artwork or any other artwork you would like to showcase?
I don’t have an official platform for that at this moment.
Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about your craft?
I used AI to generate it, and then post-processed it with a paint app to get exactly what I needed.
Are you thinking of making any swag of it?
A T-shirt, definitely!
I don’t know about you Agents, but I would love to get the t-shirt when it comes out! Thank you so much for submitting this piece and doing this interview. Agents, if you would like the media to this in your scanner, join one of the many IFS events happening this weekend!
Templates can be found here for IFS groups to use in Group Photo collages!