IFS Featured Artist- January 2022

Hello Agents and Happy New Year! The IFS Art competition is still going strong and today we are releasing 2022’s first artwork of the year!  I hope you all get to enjoy this wonderful IFS weekend! This months artist is Noregardd from Bandung, Indonesia!

Agent Name:



14 (recursed)

How long have you been playing?
3 years, since the Myriad Anomaly.

What inspired you to submit your piece to the contest?
It’s really cool to have our designs be seen by others in game. I have some pieces as missions and if I got to see my piece as an IFS media, it would be a whole new level!

Is there anything about your artwork you want people to know?
It is inspired by the Ingress gameplay itself, where the world is controlled by a triangle (control field) by the hands of Agents. It consists of green and blue as the Faction representations. The balance (Harmony) of the world can be created by the fair fight over mind units between the Resistance and Enlightenment. This is the glyph symbolization on my artwork.

Is there a website where people can see your artwork or other artwork you like to show?
I am more active as content creator for my instagram @noregardd and my local enlightened community instagram, Enlightened Bandung @enl_bandung.

Are there any details you would like to share about your craft? 
I prefer digital artworks, since originally I am not good at drawing. I prefer to use many elements to combine and align with my ideas.

Do you plan to make swag of it?
I didn’t have a plan to, but if some one would like to make swag out of it, please do and show me the results!

Is it ok if agents use your image in their Virtual IFS Group photos?
Yes, of course!

I really love the symbolization in this piece, I think it is really fitting to IFS! Thank you so much for participating in the competition and doing this interview! Agents, if you would like to get the media for this artwork join an IFS event this weekend and help decode your puzzle! Thank you to Tabineco, who made some templates here for IFS groups to use in Group Photo collages!


Please be mindful not to use this artwork(s) used in this post without permission of the artist outside of group photos for IFS. Thank you and we hope you participate in future IFS art competitions!