IFS Featured Artist- July 2022

Hello Agents! I hope you have some amazing IFS plans this weekend! Another round of featured Artists has started and this months Artist is Parlimentone, from Saitama, Japan!


Agent Name






How long have you been playing?


[6 years]*

What inspired you to submit your piece to the contest?

アートに興味をもって  応募してみようと

[Interested in art and trying to apply]*


[There were many artists around me so I studied]*

Is there anything about your media you want people to know?


[Digital art from photography]*

Is it ok if agents use the thumbnail image in their Virtual IFS Group photos?

[It ’s embarrassing,
You can use it]*

Short and sweet! I love the glyphs of course, but the piece is very fitting of showing the adventures full of mystery! Agents, I hope you get a chance to get this media in your scanner this weekend! To get the media for this artwork, join an IFS event this weekend and help decode your puzzle! Thank you to Tabineco, who made some templates here for IFS groups to use in Group Photo collages!

For all those interested in missions, we have mission sets too!

Single row Mosaic

Big Mosaic


* Google Translated