IFS Featured Artist- March 2022

Hello Agents! This is the third IFS weekend of the year! The IFS Art competition is still going strong and today we are releasing 2022’s next artwork of the year!  I hope you all get to enjoy this wonderful IFS weekend! This months artist is p0mg from Nagoya, Japan!

Agent Name:




How long have you been playing?
I have stopped playing at times, but I have been playing since 2014. When Darsana Tokyo was held, so about 8 years.

What inspired you to submit your piece to the contest?
I wanted more people to know about Ingress, so i started drawing pictures. That’s when I found out about the IFS Art competition and decided to contribute.

Is there anything about your artwork you want people to know?
I arranged the glyphs in the style of Japanese Kanji. There’s no secret, really.

Is there a website where people can see your artwork or other artwork you like to show?
I don’t have any website, but I publish my drawings on my Twitter account.

Are there any details you would like to share about your craft? 
I mainly create pen-drawing style pictures using an LCD tablet. I draw whatever genre interests me at the time, but I especially like to draw space and cityscapes.

Do you plan to make swag of it?
I have no plans to create one at the moment.

Is it ok if agents use your image in their Virtual IFS Group photos?
No problem using it.

I love the halo of glyphs in this piece and how it surrounds the world like a protective barrier! Thank you so much for participating in the competition and doing this interview! Agents, if you would like to get the media for this artwork join an IFS event this weekend and help decode your puzzle! Thank you to Tabineco, who made some templates here for IFS groups to use in Group Photo collages!


Please be mindful not to use this artwork(s) used in this post without permission of the artist outside of group photos for IFS. Thank you and we hope you participate in future IFS art competitions!