IFS Featured Artist- May 2023

Happy First Saturday weekend everyone! I don’t know about you, but i feel like im in an AZ with how quickly this year has been going by! This weekends artist is Nightmarehog from Camp Hill, USA.

How long have you been playing Ingress?

I’ve been playing since December of 2021!

What Inspired you to submit your artwork to the contest?

The NL-1331X mobile XM Detection Unit is my favorite part of Ingress lore already, and i love the fact that it’s also a moving portal. That makes it my favorite portal! In my piece, it’s being pursued by the machina threat- a reacent development. I hope the drivers are staying safe when dealing with it.

Is there anything special about your artwork that you’d like to share?

Nothing spectacular, just done by hand with pencil, pen, and paper.

Is there a website people can visit to see your artwork or any other artwork you would like to showcase?

You can find other pieces of artwork here.

Is there anything else you’d like too tell us about your craft?

I’ve been drawing as long as i could hold a pencil, and it’s really special to me that i could combined it with my favorite mobile game!

Are you thinking of making swag of it?

It would make a cool print of a sticker for sure.


I would love to get a sticker or print of this piece! I think it’s amazing that you put so much thought into making this artwork and it seems a bit perfect for what has happened with NL recently. Thank you so much for submitting your artwork and doing this interview. Agents if you would like to get the media for this artwork, join and participate in one of the many IFS events this weekend!

Templates can be found here for IFS groups to use in Group Photo collages!