IFS Featured Artist- October 2023

Happy spooky month everyone! It is once again first saturday weekend and with this weekend comes another featured artist! This months Artist is Prismech, from Fairport.

How long have you been playing Ingress? 

Since July of 2022

What inspired you to submit your artwork to the contest? 

When seeing the theme of this competition was “portals”, I began to brainstorm different portals I have visited that would make for an interesting piece. There were several places I envisioned making interesting submissions, but one stood out to me as I brainstormed. Near me, there is a location within a town that has three streets intersecting to make a triangle of intersections. The area in between these intersections has a lone portal in the middle. This plaza, as it is known, is what inspired the design of my submission. While the location is usually flooded with vehicles, viewing this portal’s location when approaching it is really unique with the scenery and how the streets come together to form this “island” where the portal resides.

Is there anything special about your artwork that you’d like to share? 

The piece’s name is “Clash Within the Cul-de-Sac”. The background was made in the 3D modeling software Blender, and the portal was drawn in with Krita, a digital drawing software.

Is there a website people can visit to see your artwork or any other artwork you would like to showcase? 

As of now, it is on my instagram page at prism_graphics.ig. I am currently developing a website which will be posted to that page in the future.

Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about your craft?

“Clash Within the Cul-de-Sac” went through several iterations with different street designs, settings, and portal styles. The idea for this piece was to have a half and half of Resistance colors and Enlightened colors to surround a neutral portal as if in a “tug of war” scenario. Overall, I had a lot of fun making this piece!

Are you thinking of making any swag of it?

Not at the moment, but I could definitely see some interesting swag pieces made from it. Always open to any ideas!


It pleases me to see some one else uses the same art program I use when I do digital art! I enjoyed the details of this interview and art piece Agents. I hope that you do as well.  If you would like to get this artwork, as a media in your scanner, please join one of the many IFS events running this weekend! If you’d like to see your artwork appear in the Ingress Scanner, submit it here.