IFS Featured Artist- September 2022

Hello Agents! Happy IFS weekend! This year has gone by so quickly and we are suddenly here at the last featured artist of this quarter. This weekends artist is ShadowVcL from Quillota, Chile.

Agent’s name 


11 recursed (2)

How long have you been playing?
7 years

What inspired you to submit your work to the contest?
I wanted to create an image with the crossfaction concept of our community and have it represent my country.

Is there anything about your artwork that you want people to know?
The structures that can be visualized are iconic architectural structures of Chile. And the animals that can be seen are the animals of our national coat of arms.

Is there a website where people can see your artwork or other artwork you like to show?
Unfortunately no, but they will be able to see it through the disclosure on telegram.

Are there any details you’d like to share about your art?
All the artwork I developed by vectorization, I’m not a very good drawer, but technology works miracles.

Do you plan to make swag with it? Are you okay with agents using your image in IFS Virtual Group photos? 
At the moment I do not plan to do it, but it would be a pride and a pleasure that my image appears in the ifs or swag of other countries.

Thank you Agent for giving us some insight to your artwork! Agents, if you would like to get this artwork in your scanner, please join one of the IFS events this weekend and help decode your events puzzle! Thank you to Tabineco, who made some templates here for IFS groups to use in Group Photo collages!

Agents if you’d like your artwork to be featured in IFS Media, please join our IFS Media competition, we are still taking submissions until Friday, Sept 16th (11:59pm UTC).