IFS Featured Artist- September 2023

Happy IFS Weekend everyone! Can you believe how fast this year has gone by? It is already September and this month’s artist is Omaesikadekin from Tochigi, Japan

How long have you been playing Ingress? 


This is the sixth year.

What inspired you to submit your artwork to the contest? 


It’s a nice title and I thought I’d give it a try.

Is there anything special about your artwork that you’d like to share? 


This portal is filled with fun memories of the first time I had a real battle with an Enlightened in my hometown. Battle beacons are fun!

Is there a website people can visit to see your artwork or any other artwork you would like to showcase? 

Twitterでたまにイラストを発表しています。ID @dkn_om

I occasionally publish illustrations on Twitter. ID @dkn_om

Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about your craft?


Nothing in particular, but for me, time to illustrate is part of INGRESS.

Are you thinking of making any swag of it?


Please feel free to use it.


I really enjoy this artwork Agents, and I hope that you do as well. It seems to capture the fun that the Agents have in a light and playful way. If you would like to get this artwork, as a media in your scanner, please join one of the many IFS events running this weekend! If you’d like to see your artwork appear in the Ingress Scanner, submit it here.