Ingress First Saturday is a cross-faction event organised and run by agents, for agents all across the world on the First Saturday of each month.
A list of all registered IngressFS events can now be found at
Here’s some pro-tips for running an #IngressFS event:
- Post in your local COMM about the event for any Agents that may be interested in coming.
- Read through the Organiser’s Guide
- Get a copy and setup the Auto Score Sheet (instructions included within)
- Remind your attendees the requirements they need to follow
- During your event, take a group photo that follows these guidelines.
- After your event, submit the results and group photo for verification
- Have fun!
Instructions and Requirements
All the event instructions and requirements details have moved to the Organiser’s Guide page.
When you first submit your event, you’ll get an email with a link to edit the details and a link to your Fev Games Event Page.