#IngressFS - Marugame, Kagawa, Japan - July 2021
03-Jul-2021 18:00 UTC +9 //
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Event Channel:
t.me/joinchat/jWs89LMJnyc1NTBl Scores
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July 2021 All Cities Scores //
Marugame, Kagawa, Japan All Time Scores
Above scores have been provided by the faction leaders listed below.
Click on the faction numbers to see percentages.
Event Description
今回の #IngressFS はオンラインミーティングです。各種連絡はTelegram(テレグラム)のグループチャットのみで行います。参加されないとメダル獲得に必要なスコア報告などができませんので必ずご参加ください。
Auto Score Sheet Data Filter
# Agent Name Level Gain AP Gain XM Recharged #1 CROCODILEco2 #2 HiroshiSugawara #3 JeanLucPicachu #4 SkyWalker707 #5 sakuyah313 #6 onoyoko #7 emi8560 #8 tatetobeyuke #9 futasui #10 leendark #11 aCceEs #12 Shige23 #13 pockydream #14 beisukeboss #15 honabona #16 valnycel #17 mselm100 #18 pirouk #19 tommy8888 #20 KTACKA #21 SakuraaaN #22 5omaOil #23 spriters #24 bachicon #25 usausab #26 Nachtmusik388 #27 YBking03 #28 Summ12WtchOvrMe #29 taiwa23 #30 chiyoyo3396 #31 howahowa46 #32 dxdxvo #33 ota2015 #34 larimar7 #35 UnivWalker #36 misty39 #37 captainTK #38 dorachan222 #39 Ebiti #40 blueaquamarine #41 housaku46 #42 tsurumaki1 #43 chelseancis #44 zuttomotto #45 xtamx #46 hikarikyo #47 batapin #48 kajipaJP #49 Tomo66X #50 rootflag #51 nimuspeedy #52 Mizzy3118 #53 mybirdeye #54 gokuu593 #55 kumakko #56 below678 #57 oosakisuposupo #58 sigmarl #59 Dovelovemove #60 CARMEN1989 #61 yukemu #62 Zeus2355 #63 svencal #64 tararaa #65 TMR216 #66 corvus88sign #67 Bondancer #68 toshinaka #69 cb23kg #70 mzis08 #71 anegoing #72 TERA08 #73 Battrelejaune #74 Skylla #75 nukodon #76 tjugotre67 #77 bluebullet #78 iwazakura #79 BAYSTARS2018 #80 fraises #81 torne001 #82 coffeetime60 #83 shn1i #84 pippinatmark #85 chiaki35 #86 neweggplant #87 yokozo #88 goldbee #89 mizumachu #90 tripleradio #91 Mimolette2616 #92 ikumi724 #93 souhyou #94 Ryuzu03 #95 daibatu #96 AzealRoki #97 Oxyporoid #98 mikkun7485 #99 810360 #100 Tsuchiyama1963 #101 U53 #102 syuharik #103 Wogna #104 melgive #105 JULLYBOOM #106 korokoro1192 #107 yaaaaaab #108 koronein #109 motownjunky #110 tama5tori #111 niihamaya #112 sasapo #113 best0215 #114 takmusic #115 hanehituji #116 sako0568 #117 chiroloon #118 ponsukenet #119 hkrwa #120 otusscops #121 omaesikadekin #122 Nomuji #123 chapterhouse #124 HIDSearchlight #125 pekari7 #126 syoupero #127 baritonemelody #128 fugaworld0101 #129 cognacebi #130 sora1107 #131 toumeisyoujo #132 sidefield #133 URR4LC #134 T884 #135 gnuato #136 ticonya #137 sniper2021 #138 ramune8989 #139 Yashima26 #140 MyPassword1234 #141 masao04 #142 ryoche15555 #143 maloto #144 yosiyosi1942 #145 hacchibay #146 polkadot04 #147 JunkJunkyJolly #148 kojiel #149 hawkeagle1974 #150 nopul2006 #151 AegisGonta #152 cdimension #153 jiageya #154 Nakano2020 #155 Bukeparos #156 marosakaide #157 nt3731 #158 NT2015 #159 you1977suke #160 LeonNo1 #161 midnightpiero #162 cyatarow #163 kemnpus #164 JIJIPON #165 tomoask #166 spring1ko #167 amfan #168 shia813 #169 Takaherose #170 infumudoshiroto #171 KxnxuxeTxuxsxi #172 bcchunchi #173 sz1130 #174 hiro19711017 #175 saanen #176 Kurospo #177 coppi99 #178 zingekippi #179 SANZAI #180 yubomama726 #181 cansfcsu80 #182 azukimugi #183 tokuyoshi
Only agents listed above are eligble for the IngressFS badge.
All event details have been provided by the faction leaders listed below. Fev Games takes no responsibility for the accuracy of the details
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