Join in your local IFS@Home event and work with your fellow agents to solve your city’s IngressFS@Home passcode challenge, then submit it in the secured form to be eligible for the IngressFS badge this month.
To solve this month’s Master Code, agents will need to collaborate and work together in the IngressFS Telegram Chat.
Rules for solving this puzzle:
- Only the first valid guess submitted each hour (UTC) will be accepted. All guesses submitted after the first one each hour will be ignored.
- Only one valid guess will be accepted per agent. If your guess is not the first valid guess for the hour, you can try again the next hour.
- To submit a valid guess, fill in the form below with your agent name and the solved passcode from any event this month as a key.
- Once an event passcode has been used as a key for a valid guess, it can’t be used again.