Hi everyone and welcome back to another Ingress APK Teardown. Flying around the United States caused a delay in this release, but here is what is different and changed in the 1.100.0 release.
Turrets have evolved
After a cryptic lore update from P.A Chapeau, we knew XM had returned and turrets had changed. Looking into the newest version we can take a look at what changed.
- HIT_BONUS – 300,000
- REMOVAL_STICKINESS was bumped to 200,000 (Previously 0)
- For comparison….
- An AXA Shield is at 800,000
- A Very Rare Shield is at 450,000
- A Rare Shield is at 150,000
- For comparison….
- HIT_BONUS was decreased to 200,000 (Previously 300,000)
- ATTACK_FREQUENCY was decreased to 1,500 (Previously 2,000)
So basically, turrets stick a little better than a Rare Shield. While the HIT_BONUS and ATTACK_FREQUENCY values were decreased, the field was renamed to STRIKE_FACTOR and packs quite a punch to the XM tank when it attacks. The decrease was probably due to server side changes that really strengthened the power of these turrets. A few turrets and shields really hurt the XM now.
[alert type=”yellow”]
Turrets deployed before this change are old turrets. Only turrets deployed after May 13 will have these new values.
Additionally, for those wondering the Force Amp has had no change.
Aegis Nova Beacon
We see the addition of a new beacon in the apk. This means that anomaly series “limited edition” fracker + beacon pack is probably on its way to the store soon.
This was the first release to enter the triple digits. We are now at version 1.100.x. My poor sorting in my tools think its the oldest version 🙁
This version was built on May 11 and obtained on May 15, it was mainly a release of bug fixes and visual text changes for the turret change. I’ll see some of you in Savannah!