Welcome back to another Ingress Teardown. This is version 1.74.0 currently on a 1% roll out to a Play Store near you. This version is quite limited in comparison of a regular teardown, but we prepared one none the less.
Community Tab
First spotted in the handshake, shortly after the release of 1.73.1, the Community Tab is live in 1.74.0. This tab has nothing but static links to various Ingress links such as:
- GooglePlus
- Ingress Report
- Live Events (Anomalies, First Saturday, NL-1331)
- Resistance/Enlightened GooglePlus Community links
- Help Center
Not everyone is versed in the social network nation of Ingress, so this will help involve more agents, whom may of never knew they existed.
Translation Nation
All strings that appear after an action (ie: linking, upgrading, deploying) have been abstracted. This allows the native language to be used. Currently this is only supported in English & Japanese.
Watch Development
A few of the background images used
- wear_enlightened_portal_bg.png
- wear_neutral_portal_bg.png
- wear_resistance_portal_bg.png
Were deleted. These were first added in 1.69.0, so maybe watch development is in the clean-up phase as they remove unused assets.
This version was built on March 31, but not released until April 7th. This means a week of development has gone by towards 1.75.x.