Ingress Official Partner Appreciation Month 2020

To celebrate 5 years of partnership with SoftBank and ITO EN, we encourage all Agents and events to show their appreciation for these partners and the global reach being sponsors of Ingress offers by including their images and Hashtags and tagging them in your December IngressFS Group photos. 

Hashtags to include in your Group Photo Social Media post are #SoftBank, #ItoEn and #IngressFS. We’ve also got a collection of high quality images in this Google Drive folder to use with your group photos. 

Please note: by using these high quality images, you agree to protect the integrity of the original. Images may be rotated, cropped or trimmed at the edges; any other manipulation of the images are not allowed and may result in a request to remove your image and/or disqualification resulting in your event not being verified for the FS Badge. 

Social Media pages to tag in your posts: 

SoftBank: Twitter: @softbank / Facebook: @softbank / Instagram: @softbank_official

Ito En: Twitter: @itoen_vd / Facebook: @itoenjapan

On the lookout to get your hands on SoftBank Ultra Links and Ito En Transmuter Mods? We’ll also be giving out 3 tiers of passcodes to events based on how creative your group photos are that show appreciation:

Tier 1: Include at least one partner’s hashtag #SoftBank #ItoEn in your group photo social media post

Tier 2: Include both ITO EN and SoftBank images in you group photo, tag them both in the social media post (with the exception of Ito En for Instagram) and include the hashtags listed above 

Tier 3: All of the above, but only for the 3 events that have the most ? heart reactions on either Facebook, Instagram or Twitter between 1pm and 2pm UTC on December 12th. (only the above 3 Social Media Platforms will be accepted for this tier)

Each verified event is eligible for only one passcode based on the highest tier achieved. The passcodes will be emailed to event organisers 2-3 weeks after FS and will be redeemable for as many agents that were verified for that event.

* Fev Games and IFS-UN were not compensated for this. We simply want to help promote the official partners that help keep Ingress going.







ソフトバンク: (Twitter) @softbank / (Facebook) @softbank / (Instagram) @softbank_official

伊藤園: (Twitter) @itoen_vd / (Facebook) @itoenjapan


1:集合写真のSNS投稿に1つ以上のパートナーのハッシュタグ(#SoftBank #ItoEn)を含める


3:1と2の両方。ただし日本時間12月12日22時~23時(UTC12日13時~14時)の間に、Facebook・Instagram・Twitterのいずれかで最も多くの「いいね(heart reactions)」を獲得した3イベントに限る。(上記3つのSNSのみが対象)


※Fev GamesおよびIFS-UNは本件に関し何ら補償は行いません。イングレスの運営をサポートする公式パートナーのプロモーション支援を目的としています。