This category contains Ingress Guide articles that aren’t about actions, items or things that are part of the ops menu.
Click on a link to read the corresponding article.
- Access Points (AP)
- Agent
- Anomaly
- Artifact
- Battle
- Chaotic Matter Units (CMU)
- Comm
- Compass
- Control Field
- C.O.R.E.
- Dronenet
- Exotic Matter (XM)
- Faction
- First Saturday
- Hackstreak
- Intel Map
- Level
- Link
- Medal
- Builder
- Connector
- Engineer
- Epoch
- Explorer
- First Saturday
- Guardian
- Hacker
- Illuminator
- Innovator
- Liberator
- Mind Controller
- Mission Day
- NL-1331 Meetups
- Ouroboros
- Paragon
- Pathfinder
- Persistence
- Pioneer
- Purifier
- Recharger
- Reclaimer
- Recon
- Recruiter
- Resonance
- Resurgence
- Sage
- Scout
- Scout Controller
- Second Sunday
- Seer
- Sojourner
- SpecOps
- Translator
- Trekker
- Vanguard
- Mind Units (MU)
- Mission Creator Tool
- Niantic Wayfarer
- Portal
- Rarity
- Research Bounties
- Scanner
- Speedlock