Link Amp

Link amplifiers (often called link amps) increase the link range of portals. These are essential for large scale fielding ops and long-distance artifact transfers, but are not generally useful for more typical Ingress activities. Common link amps do not currently exist. Very rare link amps are not hackable; they are only obtainable via

The SoftBank Ultra Link (also called ultra linkSBUL, or simply UL) is a sponsored variant of the link amp, first discovered in the Ingress 1.79.0 teardown and released on 20 June 2015. It is considered very rare, but unlike the regular very rare link amp, it can be hacked from portals. (SoftBank branded portals drop them more frequently.) In addition to increasing link range, they also permit eight more outbound links from a portal per SBUL and amplifies link mitigation. Note that this is different from portal shields; SBULs do not add mitigation to portals themselves. An unshielded portal with an SBUL and no links will have a total mitigation of 0. But if you then add a link, the mitigation from that link will be higher due to the SBUL.

The range increase for each type of link amp is as follows:

  • Rare: ×2
  • SoftBank Ultra Link: ×5
  • Very Rare: ×7

If you have more than one link amp deployed on a portal, only the rarest one will provide the full link range boost; the next will be only one-fourth as effective, and the remaining two will be one-eighth as effective. (Very rare link amps are presumably prioritized over SBULs.) The chart below shows the resulting link range multipliers from every possible combination of installed link amps:

Mod 1 Mod 2 Mod 3 Mod 4 Link
Rare ×2.000
Rare Rare ×2.500
Rare Rare Rare ×2.750
Rare Rare Rare Rare ×3.000
SBUL ×5.000
SBUL Rare ×5.500
SBUL Rare Rare ×5.750
SBUL Rare Rare Rare ×6.000
SBUL SBUL ×6.250
SBUL SBUL Rare ×6.500
SBUL SBUL Rare Rare ×6.750
SBUL SBUL SBUL Rare ×7.125
Very Rare ×7.000
Very Rare Rare ×7.500
Very Rare Rare Rare ×7.750
Very Rare Rare Rare Rare ×8.000
Very Rare SBUL ×8.250
Very Rare SBUL Rare ×8.500
Very Rare SBUL Rare Rare ×8.750
Very Rare SBUL SBUL ×8.875
Very Rare SBUL SBUL Rare ×9.125
Very Rare SBUL SBUL SBUL ×9.500
Very Rare Very Rare ×8.750
Very Rare Very Rare Rare ×9.000
Very Rare Very Rare Rare Rare ×9.250
Very Rare Very Rare SBUL ×9.375
Very Rare Very Rare SBUL Rare ×9.625
Very Rare Very Rare SBUL SBUL ×10.000
Very Rare Very Rare Very Rare ×9.625
Very Rare Very Rare Very Rare Rare ×9.875
Very Rare Very Rare Very Rare SBUL ×10.250
Very Rare Very Rare Very Rare Very Rare ×10.500

The effect of multiple SBULs on the link mitigation multiplier is unconfirmed at this time, but initial data indicates that it may also have diminishing returns:

Mod 1 Mod 2 Mod 3 Mod 4 Link
SBUL ×1.500
SBUL SBUL ×1.625