Auto Score Sheet

IngressFS Auto Score Sheet

To make life easier for IngressFS organisers and attendees, we’ve developed the IngressFS Auto Score Sheet. The sheet comes with a form for agents to paste their stats from their profile into and sheets configured to allow organisers to verify the data submitted, select bonus stats and automatically generate a live leaderboard. The sheet has been able to reduce the time taken for check in agents at the start and end from almost an hour for over 50 attendees down to 5-10 minutes.

Organisers can get a copy of the sheet and form here

Make sure you are on a PC (not on mobile) when trying to get a copy of the sheet because the Google Sheets app will open up the template file instead of creating a copy like the link is supposed to do.

The Instructions tab has all the information you need to be able to use the sheet and also has an option to choose a language to translate the instructions.

For FS organisers in the the IngressFS Slack Workspace, join the #ifs-auto-score-sheet channel to discuss your ideas, ask for help with any issues or help us test new features!


We’ve put together some instructions for organisers to set up the sheet and attendees to fill in the form: How to use the Auto Score Sheet


To accommodate for IngressFS@Home, it is mandatory for all events to use the Auto Score Sheet and add the URL for their sheet to the field on their Event Registration form. This is so we are able to easily collate the 20,000 agent names from the 450 events. When this has been set up correctly, you will be able to see the list of verified agents appear on the event page.

Change Log


  • Volatile Portals Challenge
  • Foxtrot vs Sierra Challenge
  • More Bonus Stats
  • Optional Manual Stat Entry


  • XM recharged replaced KM Walked for FS@Home
  • Calculated Stats
  • Leaderboard on the Event Page
  • Fix for some corrupted data

v2.6 & v2.7

  • Form will now check that Agent States are not corrupted before submitting
  • bug fixes



  • Custom Stat – a measure that is not included in the Ingress Agent Stat Export such as Pop Quiz questions, Passcode Puzzle Contributions or Wayfarer Reviews.
  • Glide App Compatible – Turns the spreadsheet into a mobile app. Go to and click Copy This App.
  • New agent stats have been added and/or updated
  • Bug fixes


  • If there is a situation where a new stat is added to the scanner shortly before FS and you want to use it as a bonus stat for your event, you only need to type in the stat name into a bonus stat field and ignore the validation error and it will work like all other stats.
  • Click through to the page for each major change to see the full instructions on how to use each of the new features.

Blank Template for Using Your Own System

If you have built your own system to collect stats from your attendees, you can have the data displayed on your event page by integrating your data into this blank template and adding the URL of that sheet into your Event Registration. You can also use this template if you want to manual type in the data for all of your attendees.