The Ingress G+ page just released a new post regarding what is being known as the #MagnusReawakens event, elaborating on details as to what to expect. One thing is for certain: This is like no other Ingress event ever in its history.
The event will take place at Camp Navarro in California on May 19th and end on May 21st, 2017. Now, as to what the event is…here’s the official description by Niantic:
“Teams of Agents will create living works of art built upon a new and highly limited piece of technology: The Tecthulhu Module, which will allow these art installations to integrate fully into the Portal Network…
The process will begin by taking proposals from teams, followed by select groups being chosen based on the quality and ingenuity of their ideas.
The top entries will be guaranteed access to MAGNUS REAWAKENS to create and share their work. Niantic will help by providing the Tecthulhu modules that the Agents will be able to hack, modify or add on to as needed.”
Further details can be extracted on the event page given in the post:
“Lynton-Wolfe himself had vanished, as if into thin air. His grand experiment — a Tecthulhu — a machine of unknown power whispered to him by a voice from beyond — lay in ruins.
Sifting through the scattered debris, intel operatives began to piece together the evidence.
A plan emerged. A plan for a new kind of device, one that could tap into the XM network and reveal the state of a Portal for all to see…selected Teams will be given access to one of 13 Tecthulhu modules based on Lynton-Wolfe’s Tecthulhu — a specialized modification of the Ingress Scanner that can be used to bring an interactive, living Portal to life.”
Ok….so what does all of that mean? Well, the best way to explain it is this:

A competition will begin soon for Agents to create and submit artwork that could somehow be represented as Portals in the real world. The Agents whose work is selected will be allowed access to the #MagnusReawakens retreat, where their work will be turned into Portals that other Agents on site will be able to interact with like regular Portals.
All in all, this event is shaping up already to be a completely different style of event than anything we’ve ever seen before.