Supercell has announced the newest card to the game, the Mother Witch!
Earlier in the week, Supercell teased us with the image below. We see elixir in several containers with a book showing a Prince going through the process of being turned into a pig.
It was speculated on reddit that this card was going to be a concept Julio Lopez had (now artist at Supercell), The Voodoo Witch.
It’s further speculated on reddit that this idea likely was morphed into the Mother Witch due to China censorship not being a fan of things relating to ‘voodoo’.
The Mother Witch
The Mother Witch will be a new Legendary card and this is what we know about her so far.
Curse mechanic: Every enemy attacked by the Mother Witch is cursed for 5 seconds. If that enemy is cursed when killed, it turns into a Cursed Hog. The Cursed Hog targets buildings like the Royale Hog unit. Flying units can also be turned into hogs.
She has a single target ranged attack and does not have splash damaged like the normal Witch.
The card can be obtained from challenges this next season (starting December 7th) and the season after will available via chests.
This card will also be boosted to your King Level this need season! I’m sure we’ll see plenty of her on ladder.
Card stats
Curiosity of a video from CWA, here are the card stats: