Ingress: The Animation was released in Japan last week, and agents have spotted previously-unknown glyphs in an episode.
It’s not currently known what these new glyphs might mean and whether they will arrive in our scanners, though we can be sure that they’re being analyzed by Operation: Essex. Maybe we’ll see more on these glyphs as Ingress Prime gets closer to release.
Agents who participated in the Ingress Stories event have received an interesting email from P.A. Chapeau:
Thanks for sharing all your recent adventures! Remember to use
The Dunraven Foundation has a web site, a Facebook page, a Twitter account, and an Instagram account, and agents are tearing them apart. The clues found so far indicate that this is a new ARG from Niantic, almost certainly as a lead-up to the release of Ingress Prime, which is expected to be released next month.