October – December 2021 Ingress Events

Niantic has announced the next coming months events! We have a lot to look forward to Agents, so let’s get to it!


October Events

Niantic 6th Birthday

Happy birthday Niantic!! Yes, Agents, we know Niantic has been around for a bit longer but this specific birthday is a celebration of when Niantic separated from Google!


In celebration, of this day, a free Niantic Year 6 birthday bundle is currently in the In App Store! This bundle can only be redeemed once, so do not miss out on this chance!

Nianitic Year 6 Bundle

  • Niantic Beacon
  • Meetup Beacon
  • 6 Level 6 Resonators
  • 6 Level 6 Powercubes
  • 6 Level 6 XMP Bursters
  • 6 Level 6 Ultrastrikes

Also, Ada wanted to share a message for everyone too!

2 October: First Saturday (#IngressFS)

10 October: Second Sunday (#Ingress2S)

  • Event will occur in LOCAL time, from 00:00 to 23:59
  • Completing any 6 unique Ingress Missions will increase your Mission Day medal by 1 count

21 October – 1 November: #IngressHalloween2021

  • Deploy up to 4 Mods per Portal, per Agent
  • AP bonuses
  • Option to purchase a limited-time Halloween 2021 Medal (2500 CMU)


November Events

6 November: First Saturday (#IngressFS)

14 November: Second Sunday (#Ingress2S)

  • Event will occur in LOCAL time, from 00:00 to 23:59
  • Completing any 6 unique Ingress Missions will increase your Mission Day medal by 1 count

15-29 November: #IngressYear9

  • Hacks on enemy Portals yield more attack gear (XMP, Ultra Strike)
  • Hacks on friendly Portals yield more building gear (Resonators)
  • 9-minute Drone cooldown
  • 2X deploy L8 Resonators
  • Temporary 9% increase in Inventory Cap to 2,180 items for non-C.O.R.E.-subscribers. Inventory Cap will be reverted back to 2,000 at the end of this period. C.O.R.E. subscribers retain 2,500 Inventory Cap but will receive additional Loadout items
  • **2X AP on all actions from November 15th to November 29th
  • **Additional Loadout items with new C.O.R.E. subscription or renewal for the month of November
  • ** After the Year 9 event ends, the Ingress Year 9 medal will be awarded to all Agents who’ve earned more than 0 AP between 15 November 2020 to 29 November, 2021


December Events

4 December: First Saturday (#IngressFS)

12 December: Second Sunday (#Ingress2S)

  • Event will occur in LOCAL time, from 00:00 to 23:59
  • Completing any 6 unique Ingress Missions will increase your Mission Day medal by 1 count

20 December – 3 January: #IngressNewYear2022

  • Kinetic energy distance reduced from 8km to 4km for all Programs
  • 22-minute Drone cooldown
  • +220AP for each new All-Time Unique Portal Visit as indicated by the Visited layer on the Layers button
  • 2X AP for deploying Beacons, Frackers, Fireworks and Battle Beacons



As events start happening, we will update this post or do separate posts for more information! It looks like we will have a lot of fun things to do! If you plan to participate in some of these events, please be mindful of your areas health and safety guidelines! As always Agents, we look forward to seeing your experiences when you share them on social media with the hashtags provided above!