Our most traveled shard is our most popular one! Today we have an Enlightened story of getting #24 very close to their target followed by a Resistance story of stealing it and sending it to a very hard to reach place! We’ve also got a recap on what happened to long lost #5 & 16, the journey of #29 & 17 through South America and an introduction to ‘Juan’.
Shards #05, 16 – Recap: Shards 5 and 16 from the Island of Dr NO
Shard #02 – Recap: Shard two – code name “Juan” – Hitchhiking through Peru?
Shards #29, 17 – Recap: Shard Update
Shards #24, 28 – Story (Enl): Getting #24 from Vadsø to Risør
Shards #24, 28 – Story (Res): Thanks for the artifacts!
Shard #24 – Recap: Most Traveled Shard, #24 has a new record
If you would like your report added to tomorrow’s update, submit it here: http://fevgames.net/wpgforms/shonin-shard-stories
Statistics Update
A quick update, the shards have traveled 24,125.54 ks in the past 18 hours and another 2 shards are now closer to the Resistance target. Lighter shades show movement in the past 18 hours as of 0601 UTC
By Thomas Sounness
Shards 5 and 16 from the Island of Dr NO
Well, that place that I thought was a place where shards were being taken to, and were forgotten … I was wrong. That small sleepy island at the far bottom of Vietnam holding the Con Dao National Park has been connected. The four VRLA, with a maximum range of 6811 km, designed to deliver shards #5 & #16 to “Kaito 100 Nen Monument” (a portal situated on Shikinejima, an island to the south of Japan) has been successful. Shikinejima island appears rather secluded and quiet, so the prospects of a successful intercept by the Enlightened may be limited. This looks like a stunningly successful operation by, at the very least, Japanese Resistance agents, BunnyG, korogrou, zarame0go, 10969 and sputnik811. This helps the Resistance with their goal of sending shards to the Washington Monument, via a range of wonderfully setup VRLA to push shards all over the planet – in this case a link already exists to take the shards to the USA mainland as the link enables the shard to be hurled over to Hawiaii.
By Thomas Sounness
Shard two – code name “Juan” – Hitchhiking through Peru?
Shard #2, codename “Juan”, was spawned in Lima in Peru atop a statue titled ‘Busto de Federico Villarreal’ on the campus of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (National University of San Marcos). This Peruvian prestigious university is, according to ‘The Internet’ the only Latin American university with a Nobel Prize laureate among it’s alumni – one Mr Mario Vargas Llosa who won the prize for literature. This statue which received Peru’s inaugural shard was unveiled in 2012 to commemorate the work of a vastly talented scholar, scientist, engineer and Peruvian Politician, Federico Villarreal, who died in 1923. The shards again choose their targets well, being international scientists or notable science based localities from all around the world. (OK, we know it is the clever people at Niantic who are doing this, it’s all part of the google-fu that is able to be done from this game, but it’s awesome what can be discovered through this game). So, on arrival, the shard found it to be Game On.
After appearing, the statue and it’s shard were separated, after only 6 hours, to move a short distance away to the portal named ‘Cenprolid’ The source of the jump is listed as being by the Resistance. Following an 18 hour wait the shard appears to have made a much longer random suburban jump to ‘Cruz Primero De Mayo’. However, there is some doubt as to whether this jump did in fact happen randomly. Here the shard waited for 12 hours before the Enlightened faction gave it a home for a day at ‘Gruta De La Amistad’ – a portal in Comas, one of the more populous district in the city of Lima. This portal name can be translated as ‘the Cave of friendship’. One might think this would be incentive for a cross faction meeting to take place, around a caverously lit camp fire, sharing chocolate, chips and beer while watching the blanket of night with your fellow Ingress players. At the time of writing, the portals that hosted the shard from early in the campaign are not clearly in ownership of one faction or another and the names of those agents working to move the shard have been lost. So, there may have been a campfire and chat, or not.
At the next available moment, with Jump 6, the Enlightened faction took “Juan” all the way to the Cerro Colorado district -a jump of hundreds of kilometres over rough terrain to the southwest via a Rare Link Amp. Here the shard stayed for 26 hours at the portal called “Parish De Yanahuara”, within the region of Arequipa.
Shard “Juan” then spent the next seven days or so, until jump 18, meandering all through the region before being taken by the Enlightened to a new destination. The timing here is interesting, the jumps made while under no factions control happened at either 24 hours or 30 hours, all are recorded as being a spontaneous jump and the distances seem to be modest. Not more than 10 kilometres. However, once under the control of the Enlightened the shard was moved to The Basilica Cathedral of Arequipa (“Basílica Catedral”, in Spanish) which is located in the “Plaza de Armas” of the city of Arequipa, province of Arequipa, Peru. From this portal, located on the most important Catholic church of the city, the shard made it to a very scenic part of Bolivia – a portal named “El Dominante” where agents Owsy, Ruchy, xxchelotexx and GreenWarning all shared the makeup of the level 7 portal receiving the precious cargo.
All through this, there appears to be very little activity by the resistance. I know there are active players in the area, because the arrival of the shard in Brazil, it’s next move, will be documented and discussed in a local agent’s report tomorrow, however at the time of writing, the shard appears to be under the control of Resistance agent ‘CryingIsFree’ as intel shows this shard being occupied by Inoculated Jarvised ‘Igreja Assembleia De Dues’ portal.
I can’t wait to see the sitrep for this shard. The last shard in South America awaits it’s journey through the world.
By Johnny Kamigashima
Shard Update
Shard #29 first appeared in the bay area of Rio de Janeiro on day 17 March 2015. Shard #17 was in Argentina getting ready to be sent to Europe. Since virus flipping is quite usual to immunize the portal against enemy faction, the Enlightened used an Ada to keep it blue and switch back with a Jarvis at the correct time. However while it was still Blue, two Resistance agents added Multihack and Heatsink mods to the portal disabling the slot for a second VRLA making it easy to be destroyed and making the travel to Europe impossible.
When the ENL discovered the failure it was too late and the portal came down, however there were too many ENL Agents against the Resistance Argentina so the ENL from Rio de Janeiro linked to Argentina with one VRLA. The Shard ended up in Rio de Janeiro.
From Rio, both shards were carried together to Mariana – Minas Gerais by the ENL and while planning its route they kept bouncing from Mariana, MG to Jequie to Governador Valadares roughly 400km from one another by road. Mostly Enlightened controlled cities, barely at that because even for them raising a L7 portal wasn’t too easy.
After three days, it finally changed route to the city of Pesqueira, Pernambuco, northeast corner of Brazil where they found little resistance, since the portal was also ENL controlled and on private property. From there the shard jumped again farther to the east near the beach at the city of Recife. While all routes from Recife to USA was still blocked by random links the Resistance failed to block the way to Europe and at 9PM both shards travelled to Portugal by the hands of the Enlightened.
By Tord Nilsen
Getting #24 from Vadsø to Risør
Prolog: Shard 24 had arrived Monument of the Fallen Soliders 01:00 thru a 1500km long link from Vadsø. We wanted to move it to an even more secure portal, and 07:00 the Shard jumped to Store Vedøfse.
09:00: Team X prepare themself for the hike to Store Vedøfse. Luckily the sun is shining and forecast looks good.
11:00: We want to merge #24 with #28 and decide to link to Risør. We deploy clearing teams in both Risør, Halden and Strømstad. We also have a mobile team coming down from Oslo to take down any unexpected blockers.
12:00: The X-team reports they have arrived at Store Vedøfse. @PersianPassion demonstrates her skills with getting fire without matches, while the boys are fooling around with blue and green balloons 🙂
12:40: Risør confirms they are ready to welcome the Shard. The teams in Strømstad confirms they are on site for flipping two portals. An agent with ‘noname’ had one heck of a party the night before. Tip: Don’t go near the portals before it rains again 🙂
12:55: The team in Halden reports they have cleared the blockers. Strømstad flips two portals. To have a clear path, we have to take down our own super long link. @toHitAcZero is supposed to do that in Vadsø, but we have not succeeded with any communication with him for the last 5 hours.
12:57: Only blocker left is our own link. The X team tries to link continuously.
12:59: Blocker down, they establishes link to Risør and #24 travels immediately! Close call but we did it!!
13:10: X-team prepare for the hike home. What a team!!!!
14:05: To prove our strength we put the 1500km long link up again!
By Christian Vandendorpe
Sunday March 22nd.
Shards #24 and #28 arrived to the Zeeland area in the South of the Netherlands in the 12h UTC jump coming from Norway. The Dutch Resistance from around the country mobilized immediately and made their way to the beach of Ouddorp. We were 19 RES vs approximately 8 ENL for the 18h UTC jump. The plan was to send it to the Farne Lighthouse in the UK. Unfortunately due to the ENL using the questionable technique of slowing down their connection and stacking XMPs, the link was broken at the last minute and could not be re-established in time.
Not a problem as everyone was extremely motivated to get rid of these two shards. Most of us stayed for 00h UTC jump and at that time we only had 5 ENL opponents vs 15 RES. Last minute blockers meant that we had to sent it to Scheveningen (close to The Hague) where it was sent to Farne today. A great afternoon/evening at the beach, beautiful sunset although the temperature dipped to 0C.
By Thomas Sounness
Most Traveled Shard, #24 has a new record
The current holder of the most travelled shard award originally spawned in Perth, Western Australia (#24) has been absconded with by the Resistance – taking it from being 34km away from Rotterdam’s Docking Stones -to a small island off the coast of North Sunderland, England. It has now travelled over 30 thousand kilometres.
From my memory of my childhood, this is clearly the island where the Famous Five had all their adventures – notable features are the range of evil plotting scientists, seagulls and small crustaceans as well as great locations to have picnics with lashings of Jam and Ginger Beer.
Despite the potential for the Enlightened to find a little runabout or dingy & someone to wield the oars (or even the Famous 5 themselves) it is clear that the Resistance has again gained the upper hand over the Enlightened with #24. On the other hand, getting it to the safe nesting place of the Washington Monument may be a difficult matter as well. More VRLA will be required, and circumnavigating England might prove to be a bit difficult – but I am impressed – that location of a portal on the “Fane Lighthouse” – it is just so incredibly difficult to access, and its in such a good location to link with so many coastal locations around coastal Europe.
If you would like your report added to tomorrow’s update, submit it here: http://fevgames.net/wpgforms/shonin-shard-stories
Thanks to Thrakazog for the Shard tracking map and Marwan Sbitani for collecting the data for the map.