The Niantic Investigation: August 2015 Status Update

Hello everyone and welcome to the first ever monthly status update of the Niantic Investigation! So what exactly happened during August? Most of the Investigation has centered lately around two key events: The elimination of ADA and the secret of ‘Abbadon.’ 


On August 1st, 2015, news obtained by Behind the Scanner from Elite V Agent Linda Besh revealed that there was a possibility of media hacks that needed to be recovered at the Mission Day event in Indianapolis. At the event, that possibility was confirmed as real as mysterious writings were uncovered from the Portals. These writings were later confirmed to be from the psychic writer, Felicia Hajra-Lee. The writings showcase a break in at the headquarters of the NIA by 855 and Henry Bowles. The goal was to obtain the necessary equipment required to take down ADA for good.


Felicia Stories: 



On August 6th, 2015, Felicia wrote up a story that predicted the so-called death of ADA at the NIA HQ in Washington, D.C., which can be read here:

 Later that night, ADA went on Behind the Scanner. She was supposed to answer questions from the agent and investigator community but something went terribly wrong that night. Instead of that, we got this:


Shortly afterwards, H. Richard Loeb called to confirm that ADA was successfully taken offline worldwide.


Afterwards, many Investigators and entities went vocal on the status of the powerful sentient AI and its absence.




Meanwhile, Susanna Moyer announced on the Ingress Report released on August 13th that she had received a tip from an anonymous source claiming to know something called Abbadon. Further details recovered by Moyer would reveal that whatever Abbadon is, it ties in with the origins of the Niantic Project. However it seemed that the search had hit a bit of a snag:



The August 27th Ingress Report revealed that Moyer’s source had gone offline and that she would herself continue the search for answers, believing them to be hidden in Europe.  Also on the 27th, this document surfaced, confirming that Visur Technology and IQTech Research are potentially teaming up to stifle the leaks coming from the Niantic Project G+ page through the stifling of Truthseeker, AKA Verity Seke-who is now running the G+:




Richard Loeb and Verity Seke made their voices heard:


And now, Klue is currently engaging Investigators on her G+ page through a series of posts questioning the state of affairs, asking questions and attempting to chart out the mysteries, hoping to discover answers within. Head to her G+ page to learn more.


Serious investigators dig deeper. Seeking the truth, no matter where it may lead, is our calling. Faction, race, gender, age – none of these things matter here. To potentially dig down the rabbit hole, join us at Operation Essex. Keep a close eye at the Niantic Project G+ as well as pages of the Niantic Researchers, sensitives and Corporations to learn more.

Until next time!