Hello there and welcome back to Fev Games as we explore the Niantic Investigation in 2016.
So what’s the most important thing or things that you need to know in order to jump in?
Well, the Obsidian Anomaly series is continuing as of the release of this post. At the start of March, Enlightened Agent BigMatty-who had been given a box by Susanna Moyer in Seattle-had been offered information by both Jahan, leader of the AntiMagnus and a prominent Resistance member, and the Acolyte, leader of 13MAGNUS and a prominent Enlightened figure in exchange for the contents of the box. BigMatty had only a week to decide who would get what was inside..
After spending time in deliberation, on Sunday, March 6th, BigMatty decided to give over the contents to the Acolyte. Naturally, Jahan wasn’t too happy about this decision and not only had a rather scathing response to that choice but she also had a failsafe under her sleeves-she would reach out to Stein Lightman, the former Niantic Researcher and Shaper Glyph expert, to assist her in the decryption of an ancient codex or book that held information regarding the Obsidian Shield, info she aimed to use in conjunction with the power of the final Anomalies on April 2nd in order to take control of the Shield and use it to her advantage instead. However, for her goal to work, she’d ultimately rely on the Resistance to win the final events.
Meanwhile, more pages from the Explorations of Obsidius began to emerge; showcasing that the ancient Roman Explorer at the heart of this Anomaly Series held some deep distrusts regarding the Vesuvian Magnus: the mysterious order who charged him to travel the world, seeking information. It seemed that a friend of Obsidius, Marcus, took to heart a mission to try to unravel the mystery of the Magnus.
Now, we are only a few days away from the final Obsidius Anomalies. The fate of the Obsidian Shield and the struggle between the Shapers and N’zeer, 13MAGNUS and AntiMagnus rests on the shoulders of all who attend and compete.
The storm has arrived. I wish the best of luck to all of you attending the final Anomalies this weekend.
Serious investigators dig deeper. Seeking the truth, no matter where it may lead, is our calling. Faction, race, gender, age – none of these things matter here. To potentially dig down the rabbit hole, join us at Operation Essex. Keep a close eye at Investigate:Ingress as well as pages of the Niantic Researchers, sensitives and Corporations to learn more.